Frequently Asked Questions

Cannot Dial
If you are experiencing problems dialing out, please check the following:

  • Verify the number is correct
Numbers can be 10 or 11 digits (with +1).

  •  Long Distance
You can dial Local, Canadian, US and some Caribbean numbers with or without 1 in front.
You cannot dial International (other countries) with +1.

  • International Dialing
Sometimes Long Distance is compared to International Dialing. 
Please use 011 before dialing country code, city code and number.
Note: Some Caribbean Islands are North America dialing and do not need 011.

  • Yes, I did that. Still can't dial!
Please open a ticket and provide:

Date and Time of the call
Number dialed
Any additional information such as: any audio error messages, any phone error messages, call just keeps on dialing and so on.

For any Phone error messages, please visit: Phone Error Messages

 Last updated 01/06/2023 1:09 am

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