Frequently Asked Questions

Call History and Call Block

Call History

This is also called Call Detail Records.
You can see the Call Type:

Missed Call

You may also filter the calls to search for specific call by:
Time and Date
Caller Number
Dialed Number
Call Type – Inbound, Outbound or Missed call.

Once you have filtered the search, you can use Click-to-dial feature.


You can Edit the contact to save as Contacts.


If available you can also download and listen to the recording of the call.

Call Block

You may set a Call Block for specific number or disallow anonymous and unknown calls reaching to you.

To enable a Call block go to Answering Rules then click on Allow/Block option.
Enter the number and click on + sign.


The blocked number will be displayed in this field.

To remove a blocked number, press the X beside it.


 Last updated 01/16/2023 5:34 pm

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