Frequently Asked Questions

Single Sign-On via Google Account
To use Google SSO it requires a Google Account which is usually GMail but any other e-mail can be registered as Google Account.

To setup a Google Account visit: Create a Google Account page.
In case there is no GMail e-mail account use your existing e-mail (Office365, Outlook, Yahoo, Proton, etc.) and follow these directions: Sign in to your Google Account with another email address

First step is to Login to the Portal using the
Username and Password created in through Welcome e-mail.

The Username is automatically generated and
Password set manually during the process.


Once you are logged in the Portal click on the First and Last name in the upper right corner.


Then click on Profile.


Scroll down until you see Change Account Security then click on Connect Google Account button.

It will open a pop-up screen.
If you have previously logged in to Google Account it will either automatically connect or if there are more than one it will display a list of available Google Accounts.

To setup a new one follow these steps:

Enter the e-mail or Mobile Phone number in the Email or phone field.


Alternatively, a Google Account can be created by clicking on Create Account link.
Follow these steps to create an Google Account: Sign in to your Google Account with another email address or create a GMail Account.

Enter your e-mail or phone number, then click Next.


Enter your Password then click on Next.


It will then say: One moment please and once completed it will take you back to the Change Account Security screen.

The Single Sign-On for Google Account is now greyed out.


To remove the connection between Google Account and Portal, click on the X circled button.

 Last updated 01/19/2023 3:23 pm

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